Four Spiritual Principles to Develop Intimacy with God.

Faith followed by obedience produces trust! It’s your moment to trust one more time. You have what it takes! A champion knows what it takes to be successful and makes the choice to do it every day!

“I’ll never forget the moment when Robert spoke these words into my life. They were catalytic concepts which propelled me towards a journey of deep transformation as a person, pastor, leader, friend, husband, and father. I am so grateful for his grace, his wisdom, and his discernment as he challenged me to truly pursue real intimacy with my Heavenly Father.”

Rick Janes, President, Masters Bible College and Seminary
“In “Trust One More Time” I learned that fear prevented Moses from trusting and walking closely with His Heavenly Father. The result of missing out on this connection with God motivated me to lean into my fears and “boast in my weakness” so God can show Himself strong in my life as His son.”
Lawrence Crews, Lead Pastor, Calvary Community Church, Barrie

“I started “Trust One More Time” last night, read to late in the evening, and finished it today. I loved it. The four principles of intimacy (passion, position, perseverance, and perception) were excellent. I would love to get this translated into Spanish – this book needs to be read by all!”

Adrian Thomas, Missionary Leader, Every Day Ministries, Dominican Republic
“Trust One More Time” should be recommended reading for all pastors and leaders going into ministry. This book simply, yet powerfully, charts our journey to intimacy and destiny as sons and daughters of Father God. It’s one of those reads that shines leadership wholeness.”
Jason Small, New Church Network Director, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

“The message of “Trust One More Time” has been lifechanging for me. Robert has penned practical, in depth steps that lead to the keys we need to help us walk in our destiny. Thank you, Robert, for laying down the footsteps for us to follow. This is a must read!”

Sandra Stott, Lead Pastor, River Stone Christian Fellowship
Trust One More Time



Pastor Robert grew up in a Pastor’s home with all of his four siblings in Ministry. After 30 years of being a Pastor he “hit a wall spiritually” and realized he knew the “God of his Father” and the “God of his Denomination” but he really didn’t know Father God…


We offer two versions of the Trust One More Time book. You can purchase a paperback version or a convenient digital download (PDF format) which can be opened on any ipad or tablet device. We also offer live teaching sessions with Robert, using the content from the book (available in audio and video format). Those options are available in our store. Click the link above for more details

We are excited to partner with Adrian and Sharon Thomas Of EVERY DAY MINISTRIES. They are Missionaries to the Dominican Republic. A portion of the proceeds will be forwarded to them.



Pastor Robert is a “Passionate Disciple Maker!” His desire is to deposit God’s principles into disciples who are multipliers, and his personal burden is for church leaders…


Four Spiritual Principles to Develop Intimacy with God.

Pastor Robert grew up in a Pastor’s home with all of his four siblings in Ministry. After 30 years of being a Pastor he “hit a wall spiritually” and realized he knew the “God of his Father” and the “God of his Denomination” but he really didn’t know Father God. God led him into months of Prayer and Repentance. This brought about deep change and understanding. Many times we are encouraged to have Intimacy with the Father, but not always taught how!

This book begins to uncover this. It deals with 4 men: Moses, Abraham, Jehonadab and Gideon. It examines their lives and how God desired to be close to them all. It examines the 3 reasons (based on the life of Abraham) we hit our wall and don’t go farther: Parents, culture and generations. The Book outlines Four Principles: 1. The Principle of Passion, 2. The Principle of Position, 3. The Principle of  Perserverance, 4. The Principle of Perception.


Pastor Robert Norcross

Pastor Robert is a “Passionate Disciple Maker!” His desire is to deposit God’s principles into disciples who are multipliers, and his personal burden is for church leaders. His belief is this: If we can see pastors and leaders in our churches become truly passionate for God, resulting in a vibrant devotional life, we will experience revitalization in the whole Church! Furthermore, if fathers and mothers are passionate for God, we can see wholeness come to our homes!

Robert loves golf, is a huge Toronto Maple Leafs hockey fan, and an avid supporter of the Toronto Blue Jays. He and his wife Carolyn have been married for fifty years and have three children (Karen, Stephen, and Kevin). They have ten grandchildren. As a husband and wife team, they enjoy working together! They serve as interim church leaders and personal mentors. They also conduct Leadership Development for Pastors and Deacons, and Retreats for men or women.

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