
Pastor Robert grew up in a Pastor’s home with all of his four siblings in Ministry. After 30 years of being a Pastor he “hit a wall spiritually” and realized he knew the “God of his Father” and the “God of his Denomination” but he really didn’t know Father God. God led him into months of Prayer and Repentance. This brought about deep change and understanding. Many times we are encouraged to have Intimacy with the Father, but not always taught how!

This book begins to uncover this. It deals with 4 men: Moses, Abraham, Jehonadab and Gideon. It examines their lives and how God desired to be close to them all. It examines the 3 reasons (based on the life of Abraham) we hit our wall and don’t go farther: Parents, culture and generations.

The Book outlines Four Principles: 1. The Principle of Passion, 2. The Principle of Position, 3. The Principle of  Perseverance, 4. The Principle of Perception.